Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ever wish......

Have you ever wished you could go back to a certain point in your life and do something differently?

I have a couple of those moments - but lately one of them has been smacking me in the face! Boink!!

Its nothing bad or anything, just curious as to how things would have worked out had I reacted to something differently.

Maybe I am watching too much "Being Erica".

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Heres some stuff

Wow, I have been really bad with the blogyblog!

Bassa is cured! Treatment worked. His levels are a little below what they should be now, but its normal for a cat who has been treated. Kenya went in at the same time for some allergy issues, and turns out shes 100% perfect and normal too! Yeah kitties!

Life has been trucking along. I am getting the itch to see my family, so I am thinking maybe sometimes soon I will be heading down for a long weekend. Work has been work, each day is a new day and each day I learn something new. School is back on, so I have been busy with that too.

Its raining like mad here today. Its the kind of day I wish had someone to snuggle with me in the bed and watch movies all day long with!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ok.. I know.. I havent kept up on my blogging..

This morning I was searching for the Disturbed remake of Genesis's land of confussion. While I do like the Distrubed version, the Genesis video is much better.

To know me is to know I am an absolute Phil Collins freak!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bassa is back!

Bassa came home on Saturday! He was SOOOO happy to be home, it made me feel good to have him back. I think he rubbed on every corner and every piece of furniture in the house!

He goes to the vet in a week to test his levels and see if this treatment worked. I hope it did.. I think it did.. he seems more like himself now.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What an odd, emotional rollercoaster of a day!

I took the day off today since it was Bassa's day to go to treatment. That was upsetting (says the cat lady), I know hes going to be okay - but its hard to know hes alone and not getting love and in a strange place. I called this evening and they told me he took his radio iodine at 3 and he is okay - he is staying in the corner of his room and hasn't eaten or anything, they said he looks scared.. awwww.

Since I had the day off I decided to get alot of things done. I had the oil changed in the Trailblazer, gave it a bath and yes, yes, yes I renewed my tags.. oh yeah a little late - but better late then never right? I also got pulled over immediately following getting my tags renewed, as I drove down the street - apparently I increased my speed to soon as I was leaving the downtown part of the city. The cop had a hard time believing I had renewed my tags since when he ran them they came back expired - I gave him the freshly printed tag and he returned with a 5 over ticket. I had to crack up at this since yeah, my bad with the renewal of the tags, but geez I had soo much on my mind I didn't even realize I was slightly speeding.

I went to the mall and took my Coach in to get repaired.. I am without it for 6 weeks - or unless I decide the cute new one with the kick ass purple lining is going to come home with me. My purseaholic friend Erica has lent me a purse I kinda love in the mean time - a cute purple one! I got my scripts filled, took back the movies from the weekend and made appointments for the vet for followup and for the Trailblazer to get some service.

All in all a good day, but very draining. What would be nice is if someone would run me a bath, give me a hug and make me some hot chocolate while I take the bath. Well so reality, I made myself some hot chocolate (yes with my organic fat free milk and 25 cal hot chocolate - keeping with my healthily thing), and blogged. Yeah me! ;)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How many movies can one watch in a weekend?

Well, this weekend I have watched:
The Diary of Anne Frank (an old favorite of mine)
Flowers in the Attic (another old favortie of mine)
American Psycho (omg loved this one)
The Notebook (classic)
Sixteen Candles (another classic)
Dying Young

and I have two more to watch that I rented (some of the above were on tv)
The Strangers

Seems as though I am way behind the movie times. I had caught the end of Sling Blade a little while ago and now I am dying to see the beginning of it, however my video store didn't have it - hmmm should I sign up for NetFlix?